UN CSW - (Annual in March) - Commission On the Status of Women

Designed to offer the best in representation of those Women in communitie that are left behind, pushed behind, underrepresented and not represented at all, these events will cover the spam of topics from the #PinkTax to women healing for FGM and Birthing through Fistula to making primary education a standard in the defense of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights! Each chosen speaker has a been selected because of their unique offering to the conversation and their experience in the field of....WOMEN!
Designed to offer the best in representation of those Women in communitie that are left behind, pushed behind, underrepresented and not represented at all, these events will cover the spam of topics from the #PinkTax to women healing for FGM and Birthing through Fistula to making primary education a standard in the defense of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights! Each chosen speaker has a been selected because of their unique offering to the conversation and their experience in the field of....WOMEN!
#LetsPinkApril - (Annual in April)

Founded, in 2020, on a story of survivor-ship and grace, this community, fund-raising event reaches and teaches women of color in education, progress, healing and Sisterhood! This is a yearly hosting, to celebrates the educators, supporters, family, new and surviving VICTORS, through the generous founding organizations of FIGHR and The Zaid Ibn Harith Islamic Center
Founded, in 2020, on a story of survivor-ship and grace, this community, fund-raising event reaches and teaches women of color in education, progress, healing and Sisterhood! This is a yearly hosting, to celebrates the educators, supporters, family, new and surviving VICTORS, through the generous founding organizations of FIGHR and The Zaid Ibn Harith Islamic Center
Mocha Mental Health - (Annual in May) - Mental Health Awareness Month

Opening the conversation for women of color to seek the care and treatment we deserve, this specific public roundtable will be a community, day event for the neighborhoods most in need of the care. We wills peak to Practitioners, Clinicians, Academicians and Survivors that will speak to the difference between Mental Health, Mental Illness and Emotional Health.
Opening the conversation for women of color to seek the care and treatment we deserve, this specific public roundtable will be a community, day event for the neighborhoods most in need of the care. We wills peak to Practitioners, Clinicians, Academicians and Survivors that will speak to the difference between Mental Health, Mental Illness and Emotional Health.
W.H.I. - FY ( ): Bellies, Babies and Business - (Annual in July)

Pronounced "Wi-Fi", our event , "W.H.I. - FY ( ) [which stands for "Women's Health Initiative - Fiscal Year (?)] is an annual assembly of new Bellies and new Moms, Seasoned Mothers and Grandmothers; Midwives, Doulas and Montrice; Organic, Holistic, and Alternative Healers, all collaborating for the goodness of re-establishing a healthy and sustainable Village!! This Belly-celebration will be an avenue for healing, hope and harvesting your truth; learning, living and loving your belly...and your seed.
The B.A.R. Awards - (Annual in September)

Birth-workers & Allies Recognition Awards is a day set aside to reveal the goodness and the positivity that the year has brought to the birth world and the people responsible for the success, the progression of choice, option and rights in birthing. This very formal affair will be venued and will honor those women, past, present and future, that are working in birth-work in the US and abroad.
Birth-workers & Allies Recognition Awards is a day set aside to reveal the goodness and the positivity that the year has brought to the birth world and the people responsible for the success, the progression of choice, option and rights in birthing. This very formal affair will be venued and will honor those women, past, present and future, that are working in birth-work in the US and abroad.
FIGHR GHALA (Gender & Human Rights Awards in Leadership Action) BALL - (Annual in October)

October is National DV Awareness Month and we offer (for those affected) a great day of total and complete physical love and feminine support! This day has revealed that the service to the women of Family and Domestic Violence Centers is a call to order. With this comes the advent to help in a way of comfort and genuine empowerment! The great energy of love is allowing us to help those women with a day of pampering. We venue, a warm host and donations to allow ten (10) women to enjoy a day just for them; hair, nails, massage, Reiki, and reflexology and more! This day will be designed to take the stress off of them and to allow them to be aligned with other women of power that want for them as we want for ourselves! This day is a day of testimony and bonding, of relaxation and release of the past!
October is National DV Awareness Month and we offer (for those affected) a great day of total and complete physical love and feminine support! This day has revealed that the service to the women of Family and Domestic Violence Centers is a call to order. With this comes the advent to help in a way of comfort and genuine empowerment! The great energy of love is allowing us to help those women with a day of pampering. We venue, a warm host and donations to allow ten (10) women to enjoy a day just for them; hair, nails, massage, Reiki, and reflexology and more! This day will be designed to take the stress off of them and to allow them to be aligned with other women of power that want for them as we want for ourselves! This day is a day of testimony and bonding, of relaxation and release of the past!
P.R.O.M.I.S.E. AWARDS (Annual in November)

Because kept your P.R.O.M.I.S.E. This award program celebrates those that have been released from local houses of correction, juvenile detention or long-term prison sentences and STAYED out for over five (5) years or more, without violations or recidivism. Those that are celebrated are those members of society that have gone on to write books, opened businesses or created NGO's, NP's and Community Based Organizations (CBO's) that are making a difference in the community.
FIGHR Prize of Peace Awards - (Annual in December)

Founded, in 2020, The Prize of Peace Awards celebrates the Human Capital; the organic Natural and Human Resource of service, offered to the world as benevolent acts of solutions. This Prize is offered to NGO, SIO and Nonprofits that expound their mission in the service to mankind. Similar to "The Peoples Choice Awards" (TM) this is a peer-to-peer voting has the winners coming from the community and serving it too.
Lilac Ribbon Campaign

Promoting Natural Birthing: Home, Water, Lotus, Orgasmic and Tantric Birthing for all women and the Birth-workers that they hire. This will be a year-long recognition of talent, mission, purpose AND ACCESSIBILITY to this craft and reliability of competent Birthworkers to hold their hand. Midwives, Montrice, Doulas, Lactation Consultants, Birth Supporters and Birth Families will unite year long to wear a Lilac Ribbon to signify the Campaign and open conversation about the disparity of Birthing options and the resolve we offer to empower Birth choice, option, role, rights and responsibilities to birth your way.